Videography Portfolio

Ageing Out Video

Ageing Out is the video that this blog is really about; however, since it’s a video for a client I will be waiting until they choose to publish it to share it with my audience.

If you are a prospective client; however, I would be happy to provide a link for reference.

Here are some videos that I have worked on previously in the meantime.


Nanaimo Global Film Festival

With the help of Maurice and Suzanne, I produced a trailer for the Nanaimo Global Film Festival.

I asked them the same questions so that during editing I could make one start a sentence and then the next, finish the sentence. I also had the privilege to use clips from the films that were being played at the festival in the teaser.

Vancouver Island University Digital Tech Tutorials

The Digital Media department at VIU lends out equipment for students to use when producing their content, but there were no tutorials on how to use them — until now.

The idea behind these was to make 2 minute long tutorials that had no voice over so that International Students who have a hard time following English could follow along as well.

This series taught me how to produce extra content — as in Closed Captioning in English so that they could be turned on in case one needs more instruction.

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